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Reflections on Jesus’ Crucifixion: Witnessing His Love and Sacrifice


Reflections on Jesus’ Crucifixion

The crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, a moment in history that changed the course of human history. Jesus’ death on the cross was not just a tragic event but a powerful demonstration of God’s love for humanity. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He conquered sin and death, offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe in Him.

The events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion were brutal and painful. Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, and arrested by the Roman authorities. He was mocked, beaten, and sentenced to death by crucifixion. Jesus was forced to carry His own cross to Golgotha, where He was crucified alongside two criminals. Can you imagine the degree of pain his heart endured? To be betrayed by one whom was close to him, then to be mocked, beaten and sentenced to death by the very persons he was giving his life for, and then to be placed alongside criminals for the crucifixion.

As Jesus hung on the cross, He spoke a few last words that offer a powerful insight into His thoughts and feelings at that moment. One of these words was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). This shows Jesus’ incredible love and compassion, even for those who were crucifying Him. And by extension, for us today.

In my humble opinion, Jesus’ actions demonstrated his complete submission to His Father’s will. Which should be our position as well, however, I must state that this is no easy task. Jesus, who rose the dead such Lazarus with a simple command “Lazarus come forth”; who open blinded eyes, turned water into wine and made the lame to walk, had to pray three times regarding this journey to the cross. So too, prayer will strengthen and enable us to fulfill the will of Our Father.

Witnessing His Love and Sacrifice

At the foot of the cross were several people, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and John, and Simon of Cyrene were also present. These individuals were witnesses to the crucifixion, and they bore witness to the love and sacrifice of Jesus.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, experienced the ultimate pain of seeing her son die on the cross. Yet, she remained steadfast in her faith and love for Jesus. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, stood by Mary, comforting her and witnessing the events of the crucifixion. Mary Magdalene, a former prostitute who had been transformed by Jesus’ love, was also present, bearing witness to the love and sacrifice of her Savior.

Simon of Cyrene, a bystander, was compelled to carry the cross for Jesus, showing how even those who were not followers of Jesus were impacted by His life and death. All of these individuals at the foot of the cross, bore witness to the love and sacrifice of Jesus, and their presence reminds us that we too are called to bear witness to the love of Christ in our own lives.

The crucifixion of Jesus offers a powerful message of love and redemption. Through His death on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins and offered us salvation and eternal life. As we reflect on the crucifixion this Easter season, let us remember the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, and let us strive to live our lives in a way that honors Him.

In conclusion, the crucifixion of Jesus is a powerful reminder of God’s love for us. The witnesses at the foot of the cross remind us that we too are called to bear witness to the love of Christ in our own lives. As we reflect on the crucifixion this Easter season, let us remember the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, and let us strive to live our lives in a way that honors Him. Let us hold onto the hope of resurrection and eternal life that Jesus’ death and resurrection offers, knowing that we have been saved by His love and grace.

You may be interested in these easter related articles as well https://hannahmoments.com/2021/04/02/easter-reflection/ and https://hannahmoments.com/2021/04/04/he-is-risen/

See you soon, may we continue to reflect on the love demonstrated towards us during this season. Remember, you may use the donation link below to support our work. Blessings always.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
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