silhouette of boy running in body of water during sunset


There was once a girl who had big dreams, dreams that were bigger than her resources and more than her skill set… yet she dreamed.

As she grew and matured those dreams grew with her… she showed up daily and fulfilled her responsibilities… yet she dreamed.

As time went by and responsibilities grew, the passion within started dwindling… now’s she’s surviving.

Then one day she saw her reflection and she was startled… who have I become?! Where am I? Where’s the real me?… now she’s searching.

In her quest to rediscover herself, she stripped herself of all she didn’t need. She quieted her heart before her maker and sought of Him… now she’s seeking.

She continued day after day, then suddenly she awoke! Aha, aha… I can see myself, I can see my dreams… with my eyes open I can see them all… now she’s found.

She has found herself, she has found her passion and she has found her purpose…

#tothyselfbetrue #intentionalliving #daretodreamagain #daretoliveagain #zerotohero

Written by Vanesia Bowden

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